

Page history last edited by Andrew Damp 6 years, 10 months ago




Provide participants with the opportunity to converse/debate about specified topics prior to content development.



Analysis, Synthesis


Possible "On Ground" Activity Procedure:

The presenter places content (or flipchart with question) in each corner of the room. 1) groups of 3-6 participants move from corner to corner and discuss answer(s) to each posed question. The groups develop a consensus and write their answer directly on each flipchart. When the flipchart has an answer already written by a previous group, the next group revises/expands/ illustrates that response with additional information, if possible. 2) different colored markers can be used for each group to see what each group wrote for each question. 3) participants pick corner/topic depending on point of view. 4) participants pick a corner before knowing what the topic to be discussed.


LMS Tools:

Groups, Blog, Wiki, Discussion Board


Web 2.0 Tools:

Virtual Whiteboard, Mind Mapping, Charting, O365, Google Docs












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