
Flipped Classroom

Page history last edited by Andrew Damp 8 years, 4 months ago




Provide an efficient structure for class presentations when the subject matter easily divides into opposing views or ‘Pro’/‘Con’ considerations and developing argumentation skills (in addition to teaching content).



Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis


Possible "On Ground" Activity Procedure:

Participants are assigned to debate teams, given a position to defend, and then asked to present arguments in support of their position on the presentation day.  The opposing team should be given an opportunity to rebut the argument(s) and, time permitting, the original presenters asked to respond to the rebuttal. 


LMS Tools:

Groups, Wiki, Blog, Screen Casting, Interactive Video


Web 2.0 Tools

O365, Voice Thread, Virtual Whiteboard, Screen casting, Google Docs








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