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Ice Breakers

Page history last edited by Andrew Damp 8 years, 1 month ago




Get participants talking quickly and personally about their goals, fears, expectations for the session/topic before them.



Knowledge, Analysis, Synthesis


Possible "On Ground" Activity Procedure:

1) consider what one thing each hopes to gain from the workshop and what one thing each hopes to offer during the workshop, then have the group get up to rove the room for five minutes gathering a sense of what others have come to gain and to offer. At the end of the workshop, this might become a way for individuals to measure what they've accomplished and gained overall. 2) have participants fill out a 3x5 card with their names and phrases/words in response to questions you've given all of them; the participants then don these cards as name badges and walk around the room meeting as many people as possible, interviewing others about the ideas/information on the card or large-size name tags; after five minutes you can ask participants to return to their seats and jot down names of folks who might be contacts after the session or jot down an individual goal for the session.

LMS Tools:

Discussion Board, Blog, Bb Video Anywhere


Web 2.0 Tools

Polling, Survey, O365, Google Forms











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