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Think Pair Share

Page history last edited by Andrew Damp 8 years, 1 month ago




Engage the class with the material on an individual level, in pairs, and finally as a large group to develop a conceptual understanding and synthesis of the material.



Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation


Possible "On Ground" Activity Procedure:

The strategy can be quick or extended in nature:  1) individuals reflect on and write brief notes for one minute in response to a question; 2) participants pair up with someone sitting near them and share their answers verbally for two to three minutes, or they may choose to work together to create a better answer; 3) the instructor randomly chooses a few pairs to give thirty-second summaries of individual or joint answers.


LMS Tools:

Groups, Wiki, Blog


Web 2.0 Tools

O365, Charting, Virtual Whiteboard, Google Docs







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